Current situation and prospect analysis of China’s magnesium oxide industry

China is one of the main countries producing magnesium compounds in the world, but the current domestic production of magnesium compounds is still in the stage of crude primary products, which is far from meeting the needs of national economic development. 


Magnesium oxide occupies a very important position in many inorganic salt products. As one of the main varieties in the series of magnesium products, it belongs to the basic inorganic salt product because of its good performance and wide range of uses. Industrial magnesium oxide has been produced in China for decades, and the production process of the product is basically mature and reliable. 


In recent years, due to the continuous development of the use of industrial magnesium oxide and the continuous expansion of its application fields, the demand for industrial magnesium oxide has continued to rise, stimulating the rapid development of the production of magnesium oxide in China, and the manufacturers and production scale are also gradually expanding. China has the world’s largest reserves of magnesite, brucite, serpentine and high-quality dolomite, as well as salt fields and bittern, which make the production of industrial magnesium oxide have unique conditions. There are many traditional industrial magnesium oxide methods, so The resources used are different, and the production processes and methods are also different.

China is a big producer of magnesium, but not a powerful one. 


There are as many as several hundred kinds of magnesium compound products in demand for China’s economic construction, among which the most needed and most varied are magnesium oxide series products: metallurgy, refractory materials and building materials industries need a large amount of light-burned powder, heavy-burned powder, fused oxidation Magnesium; industries such as rubber and ceramics need industrial magnesia, and the above are bulk traditional products: neoprene, fluororubber, adhesives and sealing materials need various active magnesia, electric heaters need electrical grade magnesia, refining Silicon steel grade magnesium oxide is required for steel plates, high-purity magnesium oxide is required for the electronics industry, national defense industry and aviation industry, pharmaceutical grade magnesium oxide is required for pharmaceuticals, reagent grade magnesium oxide is required for analysis, special industries such as thin film materials, composite conductive materials, high temperature resistant Catalysts require special magnesium oxide, such as magnesium oxide whiskers, magnesium peroxide, nano-sized magnesium oxide, etc. 


China is a big producer of magnesium compounds and exports a large amount every year, but still needs to import magnesium compounds.

Magnesium oxide is a representative product of the magnesium compound industry. From scratch, from small to large, Chinese magnesium oxide products have been widely used in medicine, food, silicon steel, heat-conducting plastics, rubber, tires, catalysts, adhesives, glass, etc. application. 


In 2019, China’s main mid-to-high-end magnesium oxide production capacity is 319,000 tons, and the output reaches 218,000 tons, with a compound annual growth rate of 4%. At present, magnesium oxide has become an indispensable or irreplaceable bulk basic chemical raw material in the market.

China’s magnesia market has great potential and involves many products, including light magnesia, activated magnesia and high-purity magnesia. 


But the market is not mature enough. Although it is a big country of magnesium oxide, it is not a strong country of magnesium oxide. Although the concentration of the magnesium oxide industry has increased in recent years, the fundamental problems of generally small enterprises and overcapacity have not been greatly changed. Product advantages and corporate profitability have not been significantly improved. Coupled with the sluggish downstream industries, the demand for rubber and other industries is difficult to break through, which leads to slow growth in market demand for magnesium oxide and fierce competition in the product market. In the future, the high-end development of magnesium oxide in China is the only way to go.


China is one of the main countries producing magnesium compounds in the world, and it is also a major exporter of magnesium salts. However, the market for magnesium oxide products is full of chaos, and low-end magnesium oxide products occupy a major market share. Therefore, the development of the high-end magnesium oxide industry cannot meet the needs of the Chinese market, and most of them still rely on imports from Japan, Israel, Russia and other countries. In recent years, my country’s high-purity magnesium oxide industry planning and technology have been gradually improved and improved. The profit margin has also improved significantly, and the market share has shown an upward trend year by year.


Domestic silicon steel grade magnesia is produced quantitatively according to customer index requirements, so there is basically no source for the production and sales figures.


At present, there are more and more types of magnesium oxide products in China, and the traditional magnesium oxide can no longer meet the market demand. In recent years, the electronic grade magnesium oxide market has come to the fore, and market development has gradually entered the perspective of customers. 


But for many customers, electronic grade magnesium oxide is still relatively unfamiliar. Promotion is also difficult. At present, there are few manufacturers involved in electronic grade magnesium oxide.


At present, the industrial magnesia content reaches more than 95, which belongs to high-grade magnesia, and those with a content of 98, 98 including 99.99 can be included in the high-purity magnesia grade. The high-efficiency performance of high-purity magnesia has been applied to many high-end industries, such as silicon steel , medical, food, electronics, ceramics and other fields. In addition, there are some higher-level purified magnesia, which are mainly used in scientific research, high-end chemical industry and other fields, but the market usage is small. 


At present, the sales profit of high-purity magnesium oxide in magnesium salt chemical products is relatively considerable.

China’s high-purity magnesium oxide is affected by market raw materials and policies, and the price has shown a slight upward trend since the second half of 2016. But the fluctuation is not very large, and the development trend is basically stable. The average price of domestic silicon steel grade magnesium oxide is between 20,000-30,000 a ton, and the import price is around 55,000-60,000 a ton. 


In the food and medicinal magnesium oxide market, many manufacturers do not have relevant certificates for food business, but the product indicators meet the requirements of food additive indicators. Through research, some demand merchants will purchase such products through relevant channels as additions in order to save costs, so there are price differences in product market applications. 


At present, there are not many food and medical magnesia enterprises with relevant certificates for food business. As a result, the unlicensed price of products with the same index is between 10,000-13,000, and the price of enterprises with complete relevant documents is 30,000-35,000 per ton.

The application of China’s high-purity magnesium oxide market is gradually increasing, and the products of the magnesium oxide industry are gradually becoming high-end. 

In recent years, the development speed of the high-purity magnesium oxide industry has been relatively stable, and silicon steel, food, medical, electronics and other fields have gradually been recognized and applied. However, due to the vicious competition in the low-end product market is still relatively prominent, it will take some time for the industry to enter the high-end development. 

Under the control and guidance of the national environmental protection policy, the development order of the industry market will be effectively governed and changed in the future, and the overall investment environment of the market will be improved.

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